Documentation for this module may be created at ሞድዩል:Convert/doc
local p = {}
local ti = mw.language.new('ti')
local tableElement = require('Module:Tables').element
local toLink = require('Module:Wikidata/Formats').toLink
local round = require('Module:Math')._round
-- Constants
local units = {
['Q794261'] = {
['label'] = 'ኩቢክ ሜተር ኣብ ካልኢት',
['abbreviation'] = 'ኩቢክ ሜተር ኣብ ካልኢት',
['unit change'] = {
['unit SI'] = true,
['Q25343'] = {
['label'] = 'ትርብዒት ሜተር',
['abbreviation'] = 'ትርብዒት ሜተር',
['unit change'] = {
{'Q712226', 1000000, '>'}, -- ትርብዒት ኪ.ሜ.
{'Q35852', 10000, '>'} -- ሄክታር
['unit SI'] = true,
['Q712226'] = {
['label'] = 'ትርብዒት ኪሎሜተር',
['abbreviation'] = 'ትርብዒት ኪ.ሜ.',
['conversionSI'] = { 1000000, 'Q25343'}, -- 1 ትርብዒት ኪ.ሜ. = 1000 000 ትርብዒት ሜተር
['unit SI'] = true,
['Q35852'] = {
['label'] = 'ሄክታር',
['abbreviation'] = 'ሄክታር',
['conversionSI'] = {10000, 'Q25343'}, -- 1 ሄክታር = 10.000 ትርብዒት ሜተር
['unit SI'] = true,
['Q81292'] = {
['label'] = 'ኤክር',
['link'] = 'ኤክር',
['plural'] = 'ኤክራት',
['conversionSI'] = { 4046.8564224, 'Q25343'} -- 1 ኤክር = 4046,8564224 ትርብዒት ሜተር
['Q232291'] = {
['label'] = 'ትርብዒት ማይል',
['abbreviation'] = 'ትርብዒት ማይል',
['conversionSI'] = {2589988.110336, 'Q25343'} -- 1 ትርብዒት ማይል = 2 589 988,110336 ትርብዒት ሜተር
['Q216795'] = {
['label'] = 'ዱናም',
['conversionSI'] = {1000, 'Q25343'}
['Q23931109'] = {
['label'] = 'ሜትሪክ ዱናም',
['conversionSI'] = {1000, 'Q25343'}
-- Length units
['Q11573'] = {
['label'] = 'ሜተር',
['abbreviation'] = 'ሜተር',
['unit change'] = {
{'Q828224', 1000, '>'}, -- ኪሎሜተር
['unit SI'] = true,
['Q1811'] = {
['label'] = 'ስነ ኮኾባዊ ኣሃዱ',
['abbreviation'] = 'ስነ ኮኾባዊ ኣሃዱ',
['conversionSI'] = { 149597870691, 'Q11573'}, -- 1 ስነ ኮኾባዊ ኣሃዱ = 149 597 870 691 ሜተር
['unit SI'] = true,
['Q12129'] = {
['label'] = 'ፓርሰክ',
['abbreviation'] = 'ፓርሰክ',
['conversionSI'] = {30856775814913672.7891393795779647161073192116040917980140401922770232921869992968698321353388065559933270120238005882778325, 'Q11573'},
['unit SI'] = true,
['Q531'] = {
['label'] = 'ዓመት ብርሃን',
--['abbreviation'] = 'mi',
['plural'] = 'ዓመታት ብርሃን',
['conversionSI'] = {9460730472580800 , 'Q11573'}, -- 1 ዓመት ብርሃን = 9460730472580800 ሜተር
['unit SI'] = true,
['Q93318'] = {
['label'] = 'ማይል ባሕሪ',
--['abbreviation'] = 'mi',
['conversionSI'] = {1852 , 'Q11573'}, -- 1 ማይል ባሕሪ = 1852 ሜተር
--['unit SI'] = true,
['Q253276'] = {
['label'] = 'ማይል',
['abbreviation'] = 'ማይል',
['conversionSI'] = {1609.344, 'Q11573'} -- 1 ማይል = 1609,344 ሜተር
['Q828224'] = {
['label'] = 'ኪሎሜተር',
['abbreviation'] = 'ኪ.ሜ.',
['conversionSI'] = { 1000, 'Q11573'}, -- 1 ኪሎሜተር = 1000 ሜተር
['unit SI'] = true,
['Q3710'] = {
['label'] = 'ጫማ',
--['abbreviation'] = 'ft',
['conversionSI'] = {0.3048006, 'Q11573'}, -- 1 ጫማ = 0,3048006 ሜተር
['link'] = 'ጫማ (ኣሃዱ)',
['Q218593'] = {
['label'] = 'ኢንች',
--['abbreviation'] = 'in',
['conversionSI'] = {0.0254, 'Q11573'} -- 1 ኢንች = 0,0254 ሜተር
['Q174728'] = {
['label'] = 'ሰንቲሜተር',
['abbreviation'] = 'ሰንቲሜተር',
['conversionSI'] = {0.01, 'Q11573'}, -- 1 ሰንቲሜተር = 0.01 ሜተር
['unit SI'] = true,
['Q174789'] = {
['label'] = 'ሚሊሜተር',
['abbreviation'] = 'ሚሊሜተር',
['conversionSI'] = {0.001, 'Q11573'}, -- 1 ሚሊሜተር = 0.001 ሜተር
['unit SI'] = true,
['Q175821'] = {
['label'] = 'ማይክሮሜተር',
['abbreviation'] = 'ማይክሮሜተር',
['conversionSI'] = {0.000001, 'Q11573'}, -- 1 ማይክሮሜተር = 0.000001 ሜተር
['unit SI'] = true,
['Q178674'] = {
['label'] = 'ናኖሜተር',
['abbreviation'] = 'ናኖሜተር',
['conversionSI'] = {0.000000001, 'Q11573'}, -- 1 ናኖሜተር = 0,000000001 ሜተር
['unit SI'] = true,
-- Mass units
['Q11570'] = {
['label'] = 'ኪሎግራም',
['abbreviation'] = 'ኪሎግራም',
--['unit change'] = {
-- {'Q828224', 1000, '>'}, -- ኪሎግራም
['unit SI'] = true,
local function formatMagnitude(amount, unit, options)
if not unitConversion and unit['unit change'] then
for k, v in pairs( unit['unit change'] ) do
if amount >= v[2] then
return formatMagnitude(amount / v[2], units[v[1]], options)
--if true then return require('Module:Tables').tostring(options) end
local precision = options['precision'] or 2
unit.link = unit.link or unit.label
--if true then return require('Module:Tables').tostring(options) end
-- Round to two decimal places, format and add the linked unit if applicable
if unit.abbreviation then
return ti:formatNum(round(amount, precision)) .. ' ' .. toLink(unit.link, unit.abbreviation, nil, options)
elseif amount == 1 or not unit.plural then
return ti:formatNum(round(amount, precision)) .. ' ' .. toLink(unit.link, unit.label, nil, options)
return ti:formatNum(round(amount, precision)) .. ' ' .. toLink(unit.link, unit.plural, nil, options)
function p.showValue(value, originalUnit, options)
if not value then
if not originalUnit then
return value
options = options or {}
--if true then return value end
local originalUnitData = units[originalUnit]
if not originalUnitData then
originalUnitData = {}
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(originalUnit)
--if true then return require('Module:Tables').tostring(entity) end
originalUnitData.label = tableElement(entity, 'labels', 'ti', 'value')
originalUnitData.link = tableElement(entity, 'sitelinks', 'tiwiki', 'title')
originalUnitData.conversionSI = {
[1]=tonumber((tableElement(entity,'claims','P2370',1,'mainsnak','datavalue','value','amount'):gsub('+','') or ''))
, [2]=tableElement(entity,'claims','P2370',1,'mainsnak','datavalue','value','unit'):gsub('^.-/(Q%d+)$', '%1')
--if true then return require('Module:Tables').tostring(originalUnitData) end
--if true then return require('Module:Tables').tostring(options) end
local conversionSI = originalUnitData.conversionSI
if options.unitConversion and options.unitConversion ~= '' then
elseif not conversionSI then
return formatMagnitude(tonumber(value), originalUnitData, options)
elseif conversionSI and originalUnitData['unit SI'] then
return formatMagnitude(tonumber(value) * conversionSI[1], units[conversionSI[2]], options)
return formatMagnitude(tonumber(value), originalUnitData, options) ..
' (' .. formatMagnitude(tonumber(value) * conversionSI[1], units[conversionSI[2]], options) .. ')'
function p.show(frame)
local args = frame.args
return p.showValue(args[1], args[2], {unitConversion=args[3], ['precision']=args[4], disp=args.disp,link=args.link})
return p